Abundance Wimbledon have a trusty group of energetic and enthusiastic volunteers who ensure that as much locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables as possible can be used either at local charities or via our cordial, chutney and jam makers (and then sold at our Annual Fruit Day). To find out more information or register your interest as a volunteer, please either complete the form below or email Juliet direct at [email protected] The Details We are most active in the months of June-mid September which is the ripening season for an array of fruit and vegetables. We have regular volunteering opportunities available for:
As we are visiting people's private gardens, we must adhere to the following important guidelines: All volunteers must:
What does an Area Coordinator do? Area Coordinators (as the name suggests) look after a particular area in the (mainly) Merton area and coordinates the donations (from private gardens), picking and delivery of the fruit and vegetables. The Area Coordinators look after the following areas:
How the volunteering process works for pickers and delivery drivers:
Often, we receive notice of fruit ready for picking on one day and the donor requires it to be picked the next (and in a certain time frame). This means that we are really appreciative when our pickers and drivers can be either:
so that we can match the donations/picking with the pickers and drivers easily and on a timely basis. If you have not received advice about picking this season, please feel free to contact your Area Coordinator and chat about where and when the next pick is likely to be (if they know!). We are totally reliant on our donors advising us timings for picking that suit them, so it can be a juggling act getting everyone organised. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. For Fruit Day Volunteers Volunteer completes the online Volunteer Sign up form and emails it to Juliet at [email protected] to register their interest and what role they would like to do. You will be contacted by the Fruit Day Coordinator prior to Fruit Day and, according to your interests, assigned to a stall or activity. Contact will be maintained by the Fruit Day WhatsApp group. What we achieved in 2020 Rescued Fruit To demonstrate the impact of our work, in 2020, we saved:
An incredible total of 1,613 Kgs of saved fruit in 2020! Distribution to local Charities 2020 We have given 442.5 kgs (27%+ of all fruit picked!) to local good causes 95.5 kgs to Commonside Community Trust 49.5 kgs to Friends in St Helier 47 kgs to Regenerate Barnes 44 kgs to The May Garden Project 40 kgs to St Teresa’s Home for the Elderly 34 kgs to Wimbledon YMCA 23.5 kgs to Merton and Morden Guild 22 kgs to Labour Party Food Bank 18 kgs to Dons Local Action Group 15 kgs to Dundonald Brownies 10 kgs to Trussell Trust Food Bank 10 kgs to Street Kitchen 10 kgs to Winterdown Livery 10 kgs to Barnfield Riding for the Disabled 9 kgs to Oak Tree Nursery 5 kgs to Lee House |